Radio and TV PEP Downloads
For stations participating in the KAB’s Public Education Program (NCSA), the downloadable spots for the current campaigns are listed below. Please click the button to be taken to an external download link. The KAB thanks you for your continued support.
Radio Downloads
TV Downloads
Monthly PEP Traffic Instructions
When you air PEP spots, you are allowing us to keep membership dues low and member benefits high.
- Radio spots can be previewed and downloaded from this website. Instruction for TV spot downloads will be on your PEP order.
- Please make sure you get the credit for airing PEP spots by sending the affidavits to the KAB office by the 10th of each month. Just as you report to your advertisers, we report to our PEP partners.
- The same PEP spots that support KAB programs are also considered Issues and Programs material for your Public File. Just attach copies of your affidavits to the appropriate report and file them.
Advice for scheduling KAB PEP spots:
- Write up a TFN order identifying the spot in your traffic system.
- Assign it a medium to low priority code.
- Radio should schedule the spots from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. (if the spot gets bumped it would default to the next BTA or the next day BTA).
- TV should schedule the spots from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. (if the spot gets bumped it would default to the next BTA or the next day BTA).