International Datacasting Corp. said it was picked by LinkUp Communications Corp. to provide a migration path for radio networks that use legacy ABR satellite receivers originally made by ComStream, Radyne, Comtech and IDC.

“While these units enjoyed widespread industry acceptance and ran reliably for over 30 years, they reached end-of-support several years ago,” IDC said in an announcement.

It said LinkUp is providing a replacement technology package based on the IDC MAP system, as well as installation and configuration services.

MAP Pro Audio Receiver Front and Rear Panels

The distribution package features the MAP line of audio products made by IDC. It said its systems offer “a simple, flexible and cost-effective upgrade path.”

IDC is owned by Novra Technologies Inc. The announcement was made by Gary Carter, VP business development and products for Novra Group/IDC, and Mark Johnson, president of LinkUp Communications.

“For networks looking for a turnkey service to streamline and outsource their uplink operations, LinkUp offers a hosted service based on the IDC MAP system from their newly acquired teleport in Denver,” IDC noted.

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