Did you know every year the Kansas Association of Broadcasters (KAB) and the Kansas Association of Broadcasters Foundation (KABF) offers up to $16,000 in collegiate scholarships?

By endorsing and supporting quality education, the members of the KAB and KAB Foundation are helping to guarantee the future of broadcasting in Kansas and wish to aid in the higher education of promising students.

The Deadline to apply for 2021 scholarships is May 1. 

To Qualify Applicants must meet these criteria:

  • Be a Kansas resident,
  • Attend a Kansas post-secondary institution (two-or four-year college),
  • If attending a four-year college, applicants must be entering their junior year or above. If attending a two-year school, applicants must be entering their sophomore year,
  • Enrolled in a broadcast or related curriculum,
  • Enrolled in at least 12 hours each semester the scholarship is in effect,
  • Grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale or equivalent,
  • Complete the application making sure it is signed by college department head certifying the applicant  meets the eligibility criteria.