Alternative Broadcast Inspection Program
The KAB/FCC Alternative Broadcast Inspection Program is a cooperative program of the Kansas Association of Broadcasters and the Federal Communications Commission Enforcement Bureau. Review KAB’s agreement with the FCC.

The Program
The Kansas Association of Broadcasters, in cooperation with the Federal Communications Commission, provides a service to the broadcasters of Kansas to assist them in FCC compliance. The inspection should provide a two to three-year exemption from routine FCC inspections.
How It Works
KAB has contracted with an independent inspector who will do an FCC inspection of your station(s). If no problems are found to exist, KAB will report compliance to the FCC Kansas City Office and issue you a Certificate of Compliance.
If problems exist, the inspector will provide you with a confidential report outlining any problems or FCC violations. You correct the problems to the inspector’s satisfaction and KAB will notify the FCC of your compliance and provide you with a Certificate of Compliance.
The FCC then agrees NOT to perform a random inspection on your station for a period of TWO TO THREE YEARS.

The Procedure
Complete the Request for Inspection Agreement and send it to the KAB with the appropriate inspection fee. An inspection will occur soon after receipt of your request. The inspector will call to schedule a time.
The Cost
The fee to participate in the KAB’s Alternative Inspection Program is designed to be affordable to everyone. KAB will pay inspector travel expenses for KAB-member stations. Should he need to return because the station did not pass the first time, those expenses will be paid by the station.

Fees (Non-Members ADD 50%)
Single, non-directional AM station: $250
Directional AM – 5 monitoring pts: $425 plus $25 for each additional monitoring point above 5
Single FM: $250
AM/FM combo with AM non-directional: $350
AM/FM combo with AM directional – 5 montoring points: $500, plus $25 for each additional monitoring point above 5
Duopoly-FMs, non-directional AMs (per location): $350 base plus $100 per station, above two stations
Television station: $400 (Duopoly in same market – $600, then $200 for each station after 2)
Re-inspection: $100 hourly fee plus travel expenses.
Getting Started/The Application
Review the KAB’s agreement with the FCC for the Alternative Broadcast Inspection Program. To sign up for the Inspection Program, email the Request for Inspection Application to or print the application and mail to the address below.
Please read the provisions of the program carefully, fill in all the blanks and sign the form. To review the FCC station checklist, click HERE
Return with your payment to:
Kansas Association of Broadcasters
534 S Kansas Ave., Ste. 1105
Topeka, KS 66603