How to Survive in a Small Market

How to Survive in a Small Market

Kevin Thomas is the owner of WDKC(FM) “KC101 FM” in Pennsylvania’s Tioga County, a station where radio spots cost only a few dollars and the biggest community in the coverage area consists of a few thousand residents. He’d like Radio World to share more tricks and...

A New FM+HD Radio Architecture

In 2020 Nautel participated in a demonstration that described a new approach to HD Radio time alignment. We asked Chief Technology Officer Philipp Schmid for an update. Radio World: First let’s summarize what was demo’d. Philipp Schmid: In response to industry demand,...

U.K. DAB Multiplex Relicensing Plan Gains Support

A report from the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee of the House of Commons agrees with the recent decision by the U.K. government to renew automatically current DAB multiplex operator licenses. In January, the government proposed allowing broadcast...